Knowing your own ovulation time helps determine the timing of your husband’s love affair and the chance to get pregnant as needed. Women should have sex from 1-2 days before ovulation to 24 hours after ovulation, which is the most likely stage of pregnancy because sperm lives in a woman’s body for up to 5 days, but the egg can only last 12-24 hours after ovulation.
So what is ovulation or ovulation?
Ovulation is the period when the egg is fully ripe, where the body secretes the hormone luteinizing. Luteinizing Hormone to stimulate the ovaries to release the egg and move to the fallopian tubes to wait for it to be mixed with sperm every month. The cycle period is approximately 25-35 days (depending on the individual). The egg matures in one of the ovaries alternately and is released from the ovary. Until it becomes an embryo, it implants in the wall of the uterus and grows. The endometrium peels off and secretes menstrual periods.
Why should moms count the days of ovulation?
Ovulation day is important for those who want to have children or are planning to have a baby because having sex during the ovulation period increases their chances of getting pregnant. If the date of the ovulation is accurate, it will increase the chances of getting pregnant.
The nature of ovulation that mothers should know: this type of symptom.
If it’s a symptom of menstruation, it may still be enough to think about it, but when the egg falls. What kind of symptoms will it be, which many people may not have thought about before because we have less than 24 hours to perform the operation. Before the egg breaks down, it’s easier to get pregnant. If we know that the egg is about to fall, it will make it easier to plan to have a baby.
That’s basically it .Ovulation symptoms are as follows:
- Mittelschmerz: During the fall of the egg, many people may feel slight pelvic pain caused by the rupture of the ovarian sac and the release of a small amount of fluid and blood to release the ripe egg.
- Hot ovulation syndrome is a change in body temperature, period of ovulation, and the level of progesterone increases. As a result, the body temperature rises slightly, about half a degree Celsius. (Basal body temperature increase)
- The cervix softens. Open up.
- Painful breast congestion due to estrogen changes As a result, gamolenic acid is reduced, resulting in pain and chest tightness.
- Sexual desire increases because the ovulation period is particularly flowing to nourish the vagina and creates more lube to make it easier to have sex.
- Bloating or constipation due to hormonal changes results in a lower digestive system performance.
If you have checked your ovulation symptoms and your mother is still feeling less confident, you may try using an ovulation test kit to check the day of ovulation.
Currently, the LH ovulation test is an ovulation test, which detects luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. Until the “pre-ovulation” stage, LH hormones increase rapidly, and ovulation occurs within 12-48 hours.
Things to know to increase your chances of getting pregnant
Increasing the chances of getting pregnant during the day of ovulation can be done. as follows
- The calculation of the ovulation day is only applicable to women with a uniform menstrual cycle. The day of ovulation falls on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle (counting the first day of menstruation as the 1st day of the menstrual cycle). Sexual intercourse should be performed 2-3 days before the ovulation day, so that the sperm can be mixed with the egg before the day of the ovulation.
- The chances of getting pregnant may increase if the couple has sex every day or 2-3 days/week, since the egg is about 24 hours old in the fallopian tubes, waiting to be mixed with sperm, while the sperm can live in the vagina for about 48-72 hours or 2-3 days. If sex is performed more often, it may increase the chances of sperm waiting to be mixed with the egg.
- Weight Treatment Most overweight or underweight women may experience abnormal ovulation, which can result in a false count of ovulation days.
How many hours does ovulation occur?
The period of egg fall does not last long, only 12-24 hours, during which time, if sexual intercourse without contraception, there is a high probability that sperm and egg will be fertilized and lead to pregnancy.
What are the symptoms after ovulation and pregnancy?
After the egg leaves the ovary and moves to the fallopian tubes. If there is sex without contraception, sperm and eggs are fertilized. After fertilization, it moves to the uterine cavity and implants it into the uterine cavity. To continue growing into a fetus.
After the implantation is complete, the pregnancy is considered to have occurred completely. Then, in a few weeks, many mothers will begin to experience symptoms of pregnancy, such as menstrual deficiencies, stomach allergies, etc.
If fertilization occurs after the fall of the egg. When does the body begin to show signs that indicate pregnancy?
Pregnancy occurs within 12-24 hours after ovulation, since the released egg can last only 24 hours. If it is vacated, then the sperm can no longer be fertilized.
And after about 14-15 days, the first and most obvious sign of pregnancy is the lack of menstruation.
However, although menstrual deficiency is one of the first signs of pregnancy, after about 5-6 days of fertilization and implantation, vaginal bleeding may be observed, which is caused by the embryo implanted in the uterine cavity. There may also be other abdominal symptoms such as cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Mood swings or breast pain
Symptoms after 14 days of ovulation If menstrual periods do not come, does that mean pregnant?
Usually, 14-15 days after the ovulation has passed, the menstrual period has not yet come, meaning that a pregnancy may occur, but this rule only applies to people who have regular and regular menstruation.
People with irregular or mismatched menstrual symptoms each month may need to observe other symptoms. Pregnancy can be performed approximately 12-14 days after the expected date of ovulation, which is the fastest time to detect pregnancy.
Q&A Stories Ovulation symptoms that many people suspect.
1. Abdominal pain Ovulation period Unusual?
Abdominal pain in the ovulation is a common symptom during ovulation. This is caused by the rupture of the ovarian cyst and the release of a small amount of fluid and blood to release the ripe egg.
2. Eggs fall What are the symptoms?
2 ovulations It is caused by the fact that hormones in the body provoke 2 ovulations. If both are fertilized , then twins (artificial twins) are pregnant.
3. Does having an ovulation mucus mean a belly?
There is an ovulation mucus, meaning there is an ovulation, that’s what it is for sure.
But if there is an ovulation and there is an ovulation, but there is no sex during that period, or sexual intercourse but contraception. Pregnancy just probably won’t happen.
4. Symptoms after 7 days of ovulation If there is a pregnancy What symptoms will a mother have?
Approximately 5-6 days after fertilization and implantation, vaginal bleeding may occur, which is caused by the embryo implanted in the uterine cavity. There may also be other abdominal symptoms such as cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Mood swings or breast pain
5. Ovulation, feeling of abdominal retardation Unusual?
Pain or cramp-like pain in the stomach during ovulation is a common condition, caused by the rupture of the ovarian cyst and the release of a small amount of fluid and blood to release the ripe egg.
6. Culling the breasts after ovulation Is this pregnant?
If uddering occurs 14-15 days after the ovulation has passed, it is possible that you are pregnant, but for accurate results, you should do a pregnancy test kit or go directly to your doctor.