What is ” infertility” ?
Infertility may refer to When a spouse has had a normal sexual relationship for 1-2 years or more, no pregnancy has occurred. No contraceptives are used.
This can be caused by the male or female side or from both parties. Infertility also includes women with natural miscarriages or potentially recurrent miscarriages, as well as men with sterility. Therefore, if you want to have children, it is better to consult a doctor to determine both male and female causes.
The cause can be divided. as follows
Infertility problems caused by the male side
It is caused by lifestyle such as drinking alcohol regularly, smoking heavily, substance addiction, and not getting enough rest. Problems caused by age and health problems, such as aging and hormonal disorders, can cause semen secretion without sperm or less sperm to no. The sperm is deformed, sperm count is small. Abnormal swimming movements, or in some cases, ducts or urethra constriction.
or sterile, etc.
Infertility problems caused by female parties
About 40 percent of female causes are found. – 50 Abnormal reproductive function, which can be caused by birth defects, infections Hormonal system disorders cause the absence of ovulation, the walls of the uterus grow poorly. Ovarian tubes are found to be clogged or uterine fibroids, or endometriosis.
And another cause is a lifestyle, such as drinking alcohol regularly, smoking heavily, and substance addiction. It is caused by obesity, stress caused by work, or personal problems.
Problems caused by age and health problems, such as sexually transmitted diseases. Health problems caused by hormonal changes Aging, etc.
Difficulty having children that cannot be found
Having a hard child that cannot be found means that a couple with difficult children has already tested every method of the cause-finding process possible. No abnormalities have been found on both side, but not that there is no real cause, with better testing tools available to find the cause, which is now very far advanced by science and technology.
Treatment guidelines
Nowadays, medical science goes a long way, and there are many infertility treatments depending on age, problems, and causes of infertility that increase the chances of having a baby, such as direct sperm injection (IUI – Intrauterine Insemination), IVF (IVF – In Vitro Fertilization), and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), as well as pre-implant genetic abnormality detection technology (PGT-A). Therefore, if the patient is already at risk of infertility, they should check their spouse’s courtesy to determine the cause and continue treatment.
Cr : www.paolohospital.com , www.bangkokhospital.com