How Age impacts the Success Rates of IVF & ICSI
The success rates of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) treatments is related to the age of the women who are undergoing fertility treatment. The Science has now consistently highlighted that younger women have a higher success rate because of better egg quality, and the fact that when you age, your egg quality can decline significantly. Let’s see what the studies say about the correlation with age and success rates.
Under 35 (Peak Fertility & Highest Success Rates)
Research has shown that women who are under 35 years old have the highest chance of success in IVF and ICSI, which can typically range from 32%-50% each cycle. If you look at the data created for VARTA (Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority), women who are 35 or below have approximately a 47% likelihood of a successful pregnancy after 1 IVF cycle (you can read more here IVF Success Rates). This more favourable outcome is largely due to their higher ovarian reserves and healthier eggs with fewer genetic abnormalities.
Age 35-37 (Gradual Drop off in Success Rates)
Between the ages of 35 and 37 your success rates will slowly start to decline to around 35% for each IVF or ICSI cycle. The studies show that the reduction is directly due to the diminished ovarian reserve and an increased occurrence of chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs, which make it harder for the embryos to successfully implant or sustain pregnancy (more information available here Human Reproduction Journal Study).
Age 38-40 (Noticeable Reduction in Success Rates)
For women who are between the ages of 38-40, the likelihood of successful IVF or ICSI lowers to about 25%-30% per cycle. Dr. Yanguang Wu, embryologist and associate scientist at the Centre for Human Reproduction in New York confirmed this trend. They attributed the drop largely because of declining egg quality, decreased ovarian responsiveness and heightened miscarriage rates (here is the article to read more Success Rates).
Ages 41-42 (Sharp Decline in Success Rates)
When women are between 41 and 41 years old, unfortunately, success rates experience a notable decline, averaging around 15%-20% per treatment cycle. Egg quality can really deteriorate, and chromosomal abnormalities become much more common, which can lead to higher rates of implantation failure and miscarriage.
Over 42 Years Old (Provides the Lowest Success Rates)
Many studies have shown that after the age of 42, women face the steepest reduction in success rates with IVF and ICSI, which generally falls below 10% per cycle. Egg quality at this age is significantly deteriorated and chromosomal abnormalities become a lot more common which leads to higher rates of implant failure and miscarriage.
Improving Your Outcome
Despite the challenges that are posed by getting older, several methods, such as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) and egg donation can improve the outcomes. PGT will help to identify viable embryos by screening for genetic abnormalities, which of course, improves implantation chances. Egg donation from younger donors will also dramatically improve pregnancy success rates in older women (read more about embryo donation here
If you are currently experiencing fertility problems as a couple, and thinking about whether IVF or ICSI can help you, you can contact us at the DHC IVF Clinic. Our fertility specialists are ready to support you with personalised fertility treatment to give you the best possible chance to conceive. Contact Us Today.